
SeedPower CBO  is a non-profit community based organization registered under the Ministry of East African Community, Labour and Social Protection with the registration number SRD/KK/121731/2019. SeedPower was established in September 2018 and registered in January 2019. It was registered with the mandate of community empowerment to empower children, the youth and women in the community.

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When you have a SEED and you nurture it, a tree will grow, provide fruits among other benefits. At SeedPower, we have the same approach to  education. Our main purpose is to educate the individual child. A child’s education does not only impact themselves, but it  can help their whole family. We view education as the best  investment we can make as education itself is sustainable.




Our Aim

SeedPower  seeks to empower the vulnerable community  to act as the change agents of their communities, to initiate solutions and to actively participate in the activities that impact the lives of our communities and beyond. We seek to empower children, women and the youth in our communities in order to help them exploit their potential. We do this as we share love and glory of God with all.
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Our Overall Objective is:
To improve the quality of life of vulnerable children through environmentally sound interventions and programs with specific focus on provision of basic essential services.
We do this by:
  1. Increasing access to  education for the vulnerable, children with special needs and those that are at risk.
  2.  Working to reduce malnutrition among our students  in our food program in our learning centers.
  3. Providing access of clean  and safe water, sanitation and providing hygiene education in the school and the community.
  4. Introducing youth and women empowerment program to enable the youth get skills that will in the long run help them be self reliant and eradicate poverty.
Core Values, Vision and Mission

Vision: We envision a society where the vulnerable children and their families are empowered and equitably access sustainable livelihood opportunities in order to eradicate poverty.

Mission:Our Mission is to empower the vulnerable communities by providing them with education, resources and skill set for future self-reliance and eradication of poverty.


  • Faith: believing God for & trusting Him to do.
  • Respect to human dignity.
  • Integrity: financial transparency & truth representation
  • The Word of God: biblical literacy & personal disciplines
  • Prayer: wisdom & protection for our partners & our team
  • Hope: giving hope to those we serve.
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Our work contributes to achieving the following Sustainable Development Goals
