Our Programs

Improved and sustainable livelihoods of children, caregivers and vulnerable communities through environmentally sound interventions focusing on quality to promote positive change. 

SeedPower works with the vulnerable and children with special needs, those that are at risk and their families in the following programs:



The Grinnell Family Campus

SeedPower Education Center GF Campus was established in 2021 to offer education to the vulnerable, children at risk and children with special needs in Nyakach community. This center currently serves 127 pupils. 

SeedPower Education Center (Oyugis Campus)

SeedPower Education Center Oyugis Campus was established in January 2019 to offer education to the vulnerable, children at risk and children with special needs in Oyugis community. This center has 223 pupils.

We educate, equip and empower these children to become Godly leaders and agents of community transformation. 


Women’s Empowerment Program

Here at Seedpower we realize that in order to help children become strong in education and live successfully, we also have to strengthen the household and support the women of our communities. Seedpower is dedicated to reaching out to empower our local women with skills and knowledge that empower them in areas such as such as childcare, nutrition, basic health care, family planning , sexual health education, gender based violence, self esteem and healthy communication. Ruth Odero is instrumental in her hands on approach to education and empowerment.

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Teacher Outreach and Training Program

SeedPower Foundation, in partnership with Little Light House- USA, conducts teacher development training on working with children with special needs. A total of 1738 Special Need and ECDE  Teachers , Social workers, Parents of Special Need children, Community Leaders and Community Based Organizations, selected  across the 47 counties in Kenya, have been reached through  this program.

Sustainable Food Project

The Sustainable Food Project is being put in place to provide our learners and SeedPower  communities at large  with the correct nutrition and also to equip them with hands-on agricultural skills through the creation of sustainable agriculture endeavors. Through this project, we are determined to expand the status of farming in our communities beyond the current level of subsistence farming.

 The Sustainable Food Project is set to include the following:

 Poultry farming, Aquaponics, Regenerative gardening, Dairy farming.

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Deu 8:7  For Jehovah your God brings you into a good land, a land of brooks of water, of fountains and depths that spring out of valleys and hills. 

School and community water program.

SeedPower provides water to the campuses in Oyugis and Nyakach and to the community as well. The community and school water project in Oyugis serves 188 students and 360 community members. The water project in Nyakach serves 80 students and 290 families in the community. 

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SeedPower offers community and family outreach programs. We reach out to disadvantaged families in Nyakach and Oyugis communities through relief food programs. We reach out to teenage girls in our community with hygiene supplies.   SeedPower also advocates for the rights of children at risk and children with special needs. We reach out to teenage boys to train them against substance and drug abuse which may lead them to depression and crime.

Through this program, a total of 3,600 people have been reached

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Turkana has been for a long time in the History of Kenya overwhelmed with wars and conflicts, banditry, hunger, famine and drought. The conflict between Turkana and Pokot has led to lots of fear in the region and many children, women and men have lost their lives and properties. These conflicts have led to many deaths on a daily basis.

People in this region not only die from conflicts and wars but also due to lack of food, water and shelter. Most of them live in open houses made of sticks, leaves of a tree and mud.

Children don’t go to school due to these conflicts and some of them who get lucky enough to go get to walk for miles to reach a school.

It has been in our dream and prayer as SeedPower to reach out to Turkana in whichever way we could with clothes, food and other basic necessities. SeedPower was privileged in the past month to reach out to Turkana with dry food. We shared about our passion to reach out to Turkana and a few business guys gave us some support to carry out the outreach.

We carried out a four day outreach in 3 different places of Turkana namely: Lokichar, Lokapii and Kalong’iro. 680 families were reached out on this trip.

Our outreach comprised of distributing dry food in groups and door to door outreach with food, and sharing the Good News about Jesus Christ with them. Our group was accompanied by Pastor William, Pastor Elijah and Pastor Simon from Turkana.

This trip was very much successful and many lives were impacted.

These kids require your help!